Today, April 10, 2014, marks the 105th Anniversary of the founding of the Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated here in New Haven. 2 of the three founders of the House, Armstead Robinson and Donald Ogilvie were initiated into Zeta Chapter in 1966, 3 years prior to the House's founding. Congratulations on 105 years of brotherhood, academic excellence, and service on Yale's Campus and throughout New Haven!
Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated - Chapter History
Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was founded on April 10th, 1909 and re-activated on March 29th, 1913 by twelve enthusiastic brothers. These brothers were A.J. Allen, J.W. Anderson, Charles H. Wesley, E.E. Caple, John M. Ross, Beale Elliott, Nimrod All, William N. Bishop, Frank A...
Today, April 10, 2014, marks the 105th Anniversary of the founding of the Zeta C…