What is the schedule for the anniversary? The schedule of events is on the website.
I registered and paid for AFAM55. How will I know if I’m confirmed? Confirmation emails have been sent to all registrants who completed the form and paid the fee(s). Check your email (including spam) for a message from timeica.bethel@yale.edu or yaleafam55@gmail.com. If you do not have an email but you completed both steps, email the team at yaleafam55@gmail.com.
I’d like to add a guest to my registration. Is it too late? Unfortunately, yes it is too late. No one can add a guest to their registration because we are at capacity with a growing waitlist of 70+.
I registered but can’t attend anymore. Can I give my spot to a friend? No, no one can transfer their registration to someone else for equity’s sake. Please email the team at yaleafam55@gmail.com to let us know that you don’t plan to attend so we can give the opportunity to someone on the waitlist.
My friend registered but can’t attend. Can I take their spot? No, no one can take someone else’s spot for equity’s sake. Your friend should email the team at yaleafam55@gmail.com to let us know that they don’t plan to attend so we can give the opportunity to someone on the waitlist.
I’m on the waitlist. When will I know if I can attend? We are promoting people from the waitlist as quickly as we can, but there’s no way to predict if/when additional seat will become available.
I’m on the waitlist. If I pay now, will that get me promoted from the waitlist faster? No, it will not and we strongly discourage paying in advance. If a spot becomes available for you, you will receive an email with the link to pay the registration fee. No refunds will be processed until after the anniversary as we are all busy preparing for AFAM55.
I’m on the waitlist. Can I show up for AFAM55 anyway? We strongly discourage showing up without confirmed registration, as that will NOT get you a spot. The waitlist was activated because we hit capacity for ticketed events on March 7th. Showing up doesn’t change our capacity.
I have an idea for an event to add to the AFAM55 programming. The schedule for AFAM55 has been finalized for months, and we cannot add anything else to the schedule. Thank you for understanding.
I want to be featured at an AFAM55 program, panel, or event. Panelists, speakers, and performers were finalized months ago. We cannot add anyone else. Thank you for understanding.
Has the Planning Committee thought about moving the Bouchet Ball to a larger venue like Commons so more people could attend? Yes, Commons was considered as the original location and reconsidered as registration increased. Ultimately, the Omni was the best choice for the event.